The Model 8100X Slotted Blade X-Band Antenna is a three-quarter wave-length slotted blade, providing wider bandwidth. The antenna is constructed of stainless steel with a low-loss dielectric filler in the slot. It responds to both horizontal and vertical polarization. These antennas may be arrayed about the circumference of a vehicle, fed through phased cables by a two, three, or four-way power dividers (Models 853-2X1, 854-3X1, and 855-4X1, respectively).
• 9.0 to 9.6 GHz frequency
• Vertical and horizontal linear response
• Antenna body constructed of stainless steel with a low-loss dielectric filler in the slot
• Three-quarter wavelength slotted blade providing wider bandwidth
• Frequency Range: 9.0 to 9.4 GHz
• Impedance: 50 ohms
• VSWR: < 2.0:1 maximum
• Polarization: Vertical and horizontal linear response
• Power: 1 kw peak minimum
• Connector: SMA female
• Mounting: Standard flange can be altered according to need
• Acceleration: 50 g along any axis for 1 minute
• Vibration: 10 g rms 20 – 200 Hz
• Shock: 147 g (4 milliseconds)
• Size: 2.27” x .875” x .5″ (5.77 x2.22 cm)
• Weight: 2 ounces (56.7 gms) maximum
• P/N 303941-1 – Standard unit